Hello,y'all. Today I'd like to discuss an admittedly less-than-pleasant topic. Yes, it is the one in which you are the sublect of attention - the onr in which you are the dearlt departed.
If you are LGBT person, it's all the more important that you be one who writes the obituary in the local newspaper. Thye first thing that needs to be done is locating the best paper. In my area, there are three: a daily one, and two weeklies. Two papers are realitively neutral, while one is conservative. Now, your paper's conservattivisn doesn't neccesarily mean its anti-LGBT; the paper may hhave no qualms aboot the person's organizations or reationships. Just keep an eye on it.
Next, check to see what costs (if any) there will be. For weeklies and monthlies there will be no cost (for now); however, there is a limitrd space. For dailies, there is no limit - except the cost per word
Finally, a good, accepting friend is important. once a year, make additioons and subtractond. When the final draft is completed, have you and a friend sign it, with a notary to bear witness