Thursday, October 8

Barack Obama

Good evening, all. It's been awhile, but it's really been worth it. You see, I'm working on my own computer. Not that the library's has been a tremendous resource, (and it has been one, I'm telling you) but this is, well, nice. For one thing, I've got a cup of coffee close to me. (For those of you who are coffee-deprived, you understand.) For another, I have beautiful jazz playing for me.

OK, now for the more serious topic. For one thing, I do not want it that I wish it that Barack Obama be bashed. Not in the very least. In the military, he's planning on wiping clean the noxious "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

Tuesday, August 11

Let me tell you a true story. My mom and I had a verbal tussle, one which involved health care. As many of you know, President Barack Obama is involved with the Senate (especially) on his plans to revamp health care delivery in this country. Well, surprise, suprise--the Republicans are against it.

Tuesday, July 21


Sorry for the bit of a pause I entered into. First a bit of grumbling. In my former hometown (Plainville, CT) there was a man who decided to teach his dog a lesson. So he hit the dog's back with a loaded staplegun. Several times. I often think about the legalities of a person being kicked out of the country, but in this case, the government was entirely within its rights. I woulda flown the plane out of the country myself.


Wednesday, May 20

'bout freekin' time!!!

I repeat- 'bout freekin' time. After a LONG delay, I finally got a housr of my own. Well, apartment actually, but it is very much my own. Scary? Well, yes. But I don't think that's abnormal at all.

Thursday, April 23

If there was anything that characteized the men abd women of the "Rubyfruit generation", it was our innocence and our idealism. We really believed that we could make things better, for ourselves and for our generation.

Jesse Monteagudo
Cuban-born writer and activist
ed. John Lessard

Tuesday, March 10

ways to save money

I have been watching the news lately, not with a little bemusement. We hear - let us cut the bullshit, those that we do allow to stay, let us cut (or eliminate) their benefits. Hogwash. I can think of three moves which can be taken quite speedily.
  • I like Jim Calhoun. I like basketball. Hell, I don't want wish to see Gampel Pavillion torn to shreds. What I do not wish to see is Jim Calhoun "earning" a 1.6 dollar paycheck. A $300,000 check will do quite nicely. And if he balks at this, wish him good luck as he leaves.
  • The one thing M. Jodi Rell does not deserve is a mansion, even a relatively small one. Sell it. And sell the car too.
  • This one is fairly controversial. I do have compassion for the victims, despite my own opposition to the death penalty. But look at the facts: $750,000 for a lifer, over $1 million for the death penalty. Enough said.

Thursday, February 26

What is real--what is not

Well, the President gave his first speech tonight. And what was my view? Overall it was between good and very good. However, there were two points (IMHO) that bear addressing.

  • Clean coal "technology". This belonged to a laundry list of various technologies including wind, solar, ect. How does wind and solar differ from clean coal? First, you have to mitigate - not eliminate - the coal effluvia. Second, when coal is gone, it is indeed gone. Third, the taking of coal is significantly more than the other technologies. Please, Mr. President, let us sack this expensive and unnecessary goal.
  • I waited and waited for a bold, real healthcare move. Unfortunately, I waited in vain. I do believe there are areas where Republicans and Democrats can work together, but this ain't one of them. Let us have real healthcare now.

Wednesday, February 18

Hello, Oakland, California - Calgary, Alberta - Port Charlotte, Florida -

Monday, January 26

Where am I?

Just a quick note-- I'm going to see how having a meeting at Starbucks of West Hartford CT (Albany Avenue section) would work out. Meetings will be held at 3 pm, Sundays, weather permitting. (I'm in a wheelchair, so I hope you understand)

Thursday, January 22

A View From Obama

A few day's later, how fresh it all seems! I know, I know, for some of us it all seems a bit wearying, but look past the hype and look at the real substance we face:
  • a freeze of all salaries that are $100,000
  • a tremendous curtailing of lobbyists
  • a real open door who want to see what is going on in Washington

There are a quibbles, to be sure. But on the whole, it looks great.

Thursday, January 8

In a couple of days, I will have my first blog out. In the meantime, here"s what one person said:

There is such a flood of precepts and so few examples - so much preaching, advising, rebuking and reviling, and so little doing.

Henry Adams, American writer

To Quote A Queer, ed. John Lessard

Monday, January 5

First of all, hello, Forres!

When the youth of America gets together, amazing things happen. College campuses were once a hotbed of political activity. Students of the 60s were responsible for great changes, politically and socially. The youth movement launched and defined what we've become since the 60s. I would like that happen again.

Tom Ford, American fashion designer

To Quote a Queer, ed. John Lessard

Saturday, January 3

Happy New Year!!! OK, I realize it's been awhile since I've posted, but here's a brief one.

I recently started To Quote a Queer, and have found it tremendously enjoyable. I will occasionally share a quote from here. Hope you find it it either profound or hilarious - or both.

I am gay, black, British, smart, dumb, patronising, stubborn, all these other things - flawed in many ways - and I am now asserting my activism.

John Amechi, British NBA basketball player

To Quote a Queer, ed. John Lessard